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Boulder Sets Guidelines for Medical Marijuana Users on Probation

A condition of probation is that the offender not commit any violations of state or federal law. So what happens when a person is put on probation and they are a state licensed medical marijuana user?

Boulder, Colorado has created new guidelines for probationers, allowing them to continue using the drug. The guidelines treat medical marijuana like any other prescribed drug.

Medical-marijuana cardholders who are sentenced to probation will be allowed to continue using the drug medicinally while serving their sentence as long as they meet several conditions and allow a probation officer to view their medical records, according to the new guidelines.


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Ms. Hepatitis C Sentenced to 30 Years

Kristen Diane Parker, the hospital surgical tech who stole vials of the painkiller fentanyl intended for patients from the operating room of a Denver hospital, injected them and then filled and replaced the vials with saline solution, infecting some patients with the Hepatitis C virus, was sentenced today in federal court in Denver to 30 years in prison.

Last month, the judge rejected the 20 year plea agreement between Parker and the Government because he didn't think 20 years was enough, and offered to allow her to withdraw her guilty plea. She decided to stick with her plea.

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Marijuana Grower Raided by DEA Gets Bond

A U.S. Magistrate Judge this afternoon granted bond to Chris Bartkowicz, arrested last weekend after DEA raided his residence, having seen a news story about him on TV in which he claimed to be growing legally under Colorado law.

The Government had requested Bartkowicz be detained without bond pending trial. A hearing will be held tomorrow morning on his lawyers' motion to require the DEA to preserve the plants.

The judge set bond in the amount of $10,000.00 cash. He will also be on electronic monitoring. [More...]

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Feds to Charge Medical Marijuana Grower

On Saturday I wrote about Chris Bartkowicz, a medical marijuana grower who, believing he was in compliance with Colorado law, showed his grow to a local news station doing a story on marijuana cultivation in the Denver suburbs, and was promptly busted by the DEA.

The case has caused a big stir, mostly because of DEA Agent Jeffrey Sweetin's initial comments that contradict the Department of Justice memorandum (pdf)issued by Deputy Attorney General David Ogden in October, implementing a DOJ policy change that was widely heralded around the country. Sweetin on Friday night said:

Nothing in federal law has changed. Wanting federal law to be different is not a great strategy....We will continue to enforce federal law, that's what we're paid to do, until the federal law changes.The only exception to that is discretion and department guidance."


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DEA Disregards Obama and Holder on Medical Marijuana

9 News in Denver was doing an investigative report on marijuana growing in the suburbs. A marijuana patient named Chris Bartkowicz who lives in a $600,000 home volunteered to participate. He said he wanted to show how marijuana growing could be done legally. He gave the news team a tour of his basement which had 2,000 square feet of growing plants. He showed them licenses and the licenses of those to whom he provided marijuana (Under Colorado's Constitution, every patient can have six plants, and patients can designate a caregiver to provide the plants to them. So a caregiver with 100 patients can grow 600 plants.)

The station ran a "tease" of the report Wednesday night. Yesterday, the DEA paid Bartkowicz a visit and took away all his plants and equipment.


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Charlie Sheen Charged, Court Modifies Protective Order

Charlie Sheen and his wife Brooke Mueller appeared in court in Aspen today. Sheen was advised of his rights on a complaint (pdf) charging felony menacing and two misdemeanors, third degree assault and criminal mischief. All three counts contain a domestic violence component. The criminal mischief count pertains to Sheen's alleged breaking of two of Mueller's pairs of eyeglasses, valued together at between $500 and $1000.00.

The Judge modified the mandatory protective order so the couple can be together. Sheen is taking anger management classes, and the next court date will be the arraignment on March 15, when Sheen will have to plead guilty or not guilty. [More...]

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Fingerprinting is So Last Year

Goodbye fingerprinting, hello iris scans.

Fingerprinting a suspect is so last year. Arapahoe County [Colorado]Sheriff Grayson Robinson unveiled new technology today that will allow officials to scan an arrestee's iris and within seconds get all the pertinent information about the person.

Funding comes from a $10,000 grant from the National Sheriffs' Association. Arapahoe County is the first recipient to install the program. Why they love it: [More...]

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Report: Charlie Sheen to be Charged With Felony

Updated: From an email press release from the Aspen Sheriff's on Charlie Sheen, it looks like charges will be filed against him, one of which seems likely to be a felony. The press release mentions the two felony charges and misdemeanor he was arrested for, but stops short of saying whether all or some of those will be the actual charges filed. Previously, the DA said he wouldn't decide whether to charge him until shortly before his Feb. 8 hearing. TMZ says he will be charged with Felony Menacing.

Prediction: When all is said and done, he'll plead to a felony under a deferred judgment and a misdemeanor. The misdemeanor plea will prevent him from getting his record sealed.

Update below:

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Friday Morning Open Thread: X Games in Aspen

Shaun White's snowboarding skills were on full display last night in Aspen at the X Games. Really beautiful to watch, especially in slow motion. He topped the elims and now has set the bar quite high.

I may not like watching traditional sports, like ball games, but I love action and Xtreme sports, including snowboarding . [More...]

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Hope for Hiati Live Thread

If you're watching the Hope for Haiti Now telethon, let us know what you think.

To donate: 1-877-99-HAITI.

If you aren't by a tv, it is being live streamed online globally across sites including YouTube, Hulu, MySpace, Fancast, AOL, MSN.com, Yahoo, Bing.com, BET.com, CNN.com, MTV.com, VH1.com and Rhapsody, and on mobile via Alltel, AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and FloTV.

Some clips below:

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Judge Rejects Plea Deal for Ms. Hepatitis C

Kristen Diane Parker, "Ms. Hepatitis C" appeared in federal court in Denver today for sentencing. She had a plea agreement for a 20 year sentence. The judge said no dice.

As part of her plea deal, she had to explain on video how she committed the crime.

Some new revelations came out in the video. One of the issues between the surgery patients at Rose Hospital and Rose is that Rose only has been willing to compensate patients who developed the disease if there is a 95% or greater chance their Hepatitis C came from Parker. Some of the patients who subsequently developed the disease appear to have a different strain. [More...]

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Boulder Seeks Input on Medical Marijuana Rules

If you live in Boulder, this is your opportunity to be heard on medical marijuana dispensary rules. Please take the time to participate in this brief survey.

Background: The City of Boulder is requesting feedback on interim medical marijuana land use regulations established in November 2009, which are set to expire on March 31. They are in the process of drafting comprehensive land use regulations for medical marijuana businesses which they will bring to the Planning Board and City Council. The feedback will be used by city officials in developing recommendations for the permanent regulations. [More...]

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