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Saturday College Football Open Thread

It's WLOCP Day! The picks:

Notre Dame @ Temple +11 (3 units), Tennessee @ Kentucky +9 (3 units), Miami Florida +14 (3 units) @ Duke, Texas -4 (3 units) @ Iowa State, Michigan @ Minnesota +14(3 units), Oklahoma State @ Texas Tech +3 (3 units), Georgia +3 (3 units) vs Florida (In Jacksonville), USC -4 (4 units) @ California, South Florida @ Navy -7, Illinois +7 @ Penn State, Nebraska @ Purdue +8.

Go Gators!

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Wednesday Open Thread

Our last open thread is full. Here's a new one, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

Another beautiful day in Colorado, here's the western view from my balcony. (larger version here and here.)


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Thursday Night Open Thread

A flat tire and the dentist, all in one day.

I'm working on an El Chapo post, here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

After my historic debacle last week, I've had to mortgage the house, break my 401(K), sell my stocks and break my piggy bank. But hope springs eternal and really, do my daughters REALLY need to go to college? The picks, with a little bit of analysis of the 4 biggest games:

Michigan (-7) over Michigan State. There was never a doubt, not even a little bit, that Harbaugh would have Michigan back on top. The surprise is that he's doing it this fast. Michigan' talent level is not as good as the other major powers, though it probably is equal to Michigan State's (certainly not Ohio State.) But Michigan a 7 point favorite over MSU? Feels like too much in a rivalry game. But Sagarin rates Michigna 18 points better than MSU. And the game is in Ann Arbor. Can't ignore the numbers.

Alabama (-4) 4 units over Texas A&M. Every year people stat the season remembering how good Saban is. Then he has an early struggle or loss an they seem to forget. Bama always improves a lot during the season. They are doing so now. Yes the game is in College Station but by November this game would have a double digit line. Good opportunity here imo.

LSU -7 over Florida. Obviously I'm rooting for a different result. But this is a tough matchup for Florida who can;t match LSU's depth. A Saturday night in Baton Rouge is almost impossible when you have the better team. Here Florid probably does not. Even with Will Grier at QB (he's suspended for the season), probably would not. I expect good things from Treon Harris, Florida's replacement for Grier - he has the experiene and the talent to do well. But Heisman winner to be Leonard Fournette wil b too much for my Gators.

But Go Gators!

More on the flip,

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Thursday Morning Open Thread

Open Thread.

(Update (Jeralyn): I am still dealing with Comcast problems. Seven days and they still can't figure out how to connect my phones and keep my internet going. A tech is here now. I will post later, assuming I still have internet.)

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Tuesday Morning Open Thread

Tonight the first Democratic debate is being held in Las Vegas. The big unknown is whether CNN will create an animatronic Joe Biden to appear at the debate.

Other possible questions - Mrs Clinton, how do you react to President Obama calling your use of a private email server a "mistake?" My suggested answer - the President also called the Benghazi committee a political hit job.>/p>

To Sanders - why did you just become a Democrat? Not sure how to answer that one.

I'll live blog the debate tonight. It starts at 830 pm I think.

Open Thread.

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Sunday Open Thread

Comcast is simply impossible to deal with. I've had no internet from Thursday when I moved to late yesterday. Every excuse in the book for not being able to transfer service, hours wasted on the phone, techs who never call back despite promises to do so. A special raspberry to Shawn and Elisha (Alicia or Alisha?) in Seattle and Vince in the Philippines. Worthless, all. I ended up going to the Comcast store late yesterday afternoon and Brandi C. spent an hour doing various things and setting up a fourth account for me and said all I had to do was go home and activate it. She was very close to fixing it, only it wouldn't activate, and I spent another hour or two on the phone with two to three more people, and the last one did something that finally allowed me to activate it. Unfortunately, I didn't write her name down.

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

The picks:

Florida @ Missouri +5, Wisconsin -1 @ Nebraska, Georgia -3 @ Tennessee, Virginia @ Pittsburgh -10, Central Michigan -7 @ Western Michigan, Illinois @ Iowa -11, Maryland @ Ohio State -33, Oklahoma @ Texas+18, Oklahoma State @ West Virginia -6, Ball State +10 @ Northern Illinois, Connecticut @ Central Florida -3, Syracuse PICK @ South Florida, Georgia Tech =7 1/2 @ Clemson, Iowa State @ Texas Tech -10, South Carolina +21 @ LSU, Wake Forest @ Boston College -6, Navy +14 1/2 @ Notre Dame, Middle Tennessee +8 @ Western Kentucky, Tulane +14 1/2 @ Temple, Indiana +7 @ Penn State.

Go Gators!

Open Thread.

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Moving Day (Again) and Open Thread

I decided to move back to my new place, even though the fire restoration isn't finished (if it's even begun.) I'm only taking what I need for now, since the floors will be replaced within the next few weeks. The rest is going to storage until the restoration is completed. I did finally find a temporary place to stay, and my insurance company was great and offered to pay for it, but I would have had to move from one unit to another in the same building after 5 days, and I think I've had enough moving for a while.

I hope this move goes better than the last one. But already, Comcast's computers are so confused by my moving back and forth, they've locked my three accounts, even to their employees, so no one could get in last night to do a transfer of service, let alone an activation. They'll work on it today, but if it's days until anyone hears from me, that's why -- no phone, no cable, no internet. Since I'm paying on three accounts, I hope they figure it out soon.

In between all this, I'm tying to get my tax info ready for my accountant, and working, so it's very busy here.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

The movers will be here at 8:30 to start packing me up and I'm still not sure where I'm going. I think I found a place to rent for the rest of the month, but it's not yet signed and done. Cutting it close is an understatement, since I have to move out on Thursday.

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome. And please stop the insults to other commenters. I don't have time to babysit the threads. Even long time readers may find themselves in timeout if they keep doing it.

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