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Thursday Open Thread

Judge to the sleepy El Chapo jury yesterday (via Emily Palmer at NY Times):

Today the judge admonished the jury in El Chapo’s case. “I know there is a lot of testimony to listen to,” he said. “Without singling anyone out, sometimes I look over and wonder if you’re as focused as you should be.”

Palmer also says there are problems with the translation:

The translation in El Chapo’s trial has been faulty. Large shipments of cocaine have been described as small, cocaine has been delivered to coasts it actually came from, people with the same first name have been credited with things they did not do.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Happy Thanksgiving Open Thread

Don't forget to listen live to Arlo Guthrie at noon when radio stations across the country play the full 18 (or 22) minute version of "Alice's Restaurant." If you can't find a station, here's Boulder's KBCO.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What's on your menu and who are you spending the day with. This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

I'd like to stay online and blog all day, but I have too much work to do. Here's a new open thread for you, all topics welcome.

(Title fixed, it's Friday not Thursday)

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Sunday Open Thread: Reversing Time

What if we could turn back the hands of time for two years instead of an hour? Would Trump have been elected if the public knew then what it knows now? I don't think so.


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Thursday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Update: The death toll for Hurricane Michael is now at 16.

The judge in El Chapo's trial denied another continuance request. Looks like trial may actually begin Nov. 5. It will last weeks. I have been following it very closely, reading every pleading and court order since El Chapo arrived here (as well those in his predecessor cases in other districts, going back to 1993.) What I won't do is speculate on expected protected witnesses before they testify. I do plan on covering the trial extensively once testimony begins. If New York weren't so expensive, I'd do it in person.

Harvey Weinstein won a round and got one sex assault charged dropped this week. He's nowhere near home free (yet).

Time for a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Open Thread

It's a jail day for me, an open thread day for you.

All topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

The finale to El Senor de los Cielos was very good. I watched it twice, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. They killed off the one good cop, and the only Cuban spy with a conscience, but everyone else survived, except Lightning, the boxing champ, and he died of old age.

Aurelio's fingers moved, but he didn't wake up from his coma. I take that as a sign they haven't decided yet whether Rafael Amaya is gone for good or coming back for Season 7.

The finale of Big Brother is tonight. It's been a better season than most. I happen to like Julie Chen. She's left The Talk but is sticking with Big Brother. It wouldn't be as good a show without her. And she's not intimidated by what's happening to her husband. She now signs off BB as "Julie Chen Moonves" which she never did before.

There's quite a few more significant topics in the news this week I haven't gotten around to writing about yet. Hopefully, you will pick up on them and keep the discussion going.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Labor Day Open Thread

The Rolling Stones and Axel Rose of Guns 'N Roses singing "Salt of the Earth."

Happy Labor Day to all.

Here's how labor day began. [More...]

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Tuesday Open Thread

It's a jail day for me, open thread day for you.

All topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

R.I.P. Aretha Franklin. (No links because everyone of them has auto-play video.)

Time for a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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