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Mick Jagger's "SuperHeavy" Album Released

SuperHeavy hit American stores today. Here's the story behind the album. Mick Jagger sounds great (as do they all) and the album is getting some great reviews. The group includes: Mick Jagger, singer Joss Stone, Eurythmics founder Dave Stewart, composer A.R. Rahman and reggae artist Damian Marley.

Here's Rolling Stone's report on the studio recording of the album and its review. You can listen to samples of the songs here.

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Monday Night Open Thread: DWTS, Can Nancy and Chas Dance?

DWTS begins tonight. Nancy Grace looks like she has had a bit of a makeover already, maybe it's just the spray tan, but she looks better. Can she dance? We'll find out. (I wonder if the pro cast had a say in their partners. Nancy's paired with a new cast member, maybe none of the regulars wanted to dance with her?) How will Chas do? Great I hope. I wonder if they will go last so we have to watch all the others too.

Breaking Bad was terrific last night, Gus vs. Don Eladio and Jesse steps up. If you missed it because of the lamest Emmy's ever, catch it On Demand or on AMC's website. There's also a new episode of Weeds tonight.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome. [More below]

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The Emmys: Off to a Slow Start, Goes Downhill From There

Update: Worst and most boring Emmys I've ever seen. I'm switching to watch the new episode of Breaking Bad.

What a lame opening to the Emmys. I don't like Glee and I sure don't want to watch Jane Lynch for 2 hours. Did Julianne Margolies swallow too many Xanax? She's so subdued. And the top of her dress looks like a plastic cup.


First, the biggest question about the Emmys: Why are there no nominations for AMC's Breaking Bad? Simple answer, according to AMC: It was not eligible for this year's competition because it wasn't telecast during the Jun. 1, 2010-May 31, 2011 awards year. The first three seasons, AMC aired Breaking Bad in the Spring, which made it eligible for Emmy nominations the same year in which it aired. Next year, Breaking Bad will be eligible again because the fourth season premiered July 17. Also missing for the same reason, not airing new episodes during the eligibility season: Damages.[More...]

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Eleanor Mondale Dies of Brain Cancer at 51

Eleanor Mondale, daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale, has died of brain cancer at age 51.

Eleanor was considered a "wild child" back in the day. I remember when she was dating Don Henley. According to news reports, she also dated Warren Zevon . Her friendship with Bill Clinton made Monica Lewinsky jealous.

In addition to her parents and brother, she is survived by her third husband, rock musician Chan Poling, whom she married in 2005. [More...]

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RIP: Kara Kennedy

Teddy Kennedy's daughter, Kara Kennedy, died yesterday at age 51. She suffered a heart attack while exercising at a health club in D.C.

Kara battled lung cancer in 2003. Her brother said it may have taken a toll on her heart, and she loved to exercise.

Kara and her husband Michael have two teenage children. Our condolences to the family.

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Kneel Before Your Gods

Via Glenn Greenwald, Mother Jones blogger Rick Ungar:

On a day when Americans of all stripes should have been giving thanks to both President Bush and President Obama for doing whatever it is they do that has protected us from a tragic repeat of the events of September 11, 2001[.]

(Emphasis supplied.) Who was Mother Jones?

[When she] was denounced on the floor of the United States Senate as the "grandmother of all agitators," she replied:

I hope to live long enough to be the great-grandmother of all agitators.

I'm not sure that she would consider Rick Ungar one of her political descendants.

Speaking for me only

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Concert for New York City Replaying on VH-1

The Concert for New York City (2001)is replaying now on VH-1,, from 4pm to 10 pm on VH-1. Don't miss it, the performances are great. You can watch online here.

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Ten Years Later . . .Our Failed Elites

Via Atrios, Fred Hiatt proves he is same as he ever was - dumb as a bag of hammers. On the last 10 years, Hiatt's WaPo says "Given the scope of the challenge, the country should give itself some credit for what it has achieved." Really. That's what he wrote.

These are the "elites" that will lead us out of our economic troubles? On the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, we remain well and truly f*cked as a Nation.

Never forget . . . except how the elites have blown up the world.

Speaking for me only

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"Breaking Bad": Gus Shines in Flashback Episode

Last night's episode of "Breaking Bad" was probably the best one yet. The mysterious past of Gus Fring begins to emerge. He left Chile for Mexico in 1986, but there's no record of him since. In the three years he was in Mexico, the cartel considered him dangerous but untouchable. [More...]

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Sunday Open Thread:

Mick Jagger extolling the virtues of work, in 1987, on his solo album Primative Cool. Added touch: The World Trade Center Towers are behind the priest, firefighters and joggers as they go under a freeway overpass.

Enjoy your Sunday, this is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Snooki Delivers the News

Count me among the fans of Nicole Polizzi, aka Snookie on Jersey Shore. Her personality is infectious, and if if I were in high school with her, I'm sure I'd want us to be friends. She also speaks in Snookiisms, which at times (although not in this newscast) range from hilarious to endearing. A few from her book are here. And she's laughing all the way to the bank.

Take off your age and gender bias lenses, and give her a look and listen:

Will she replace Diane Sawyer one day? Doubtful. But she surely could deliver the news on a channel like MTV.

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DWTS New Cast: Nancy Grace, the Dancing Devil

(Original graphic by Alex Ross Art)

Nancy Grace has signed on for the new season of Dancing With the Devil Stars.

As one commenter to the article suggested, too bad Casey Anthony can't be her partner. I sure hope Derek doesn't get stuck with her.

Will she be this season's Kate Gosselin?

At least we don't have to listen to her talk while she's dancing. We can just laugh.

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