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Friday Morning Open Thread


I'm on twitter if you want to read my pithy takes on the election. @armandodkos.

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Tuesday Open Thread

We all know Susan Sarandon is familiar with driving off a cliff. That's what she's advocating in her latest interview. The days of Thelma and Louise are long gone.

Skip her, and watch the CBS primetime time special tonight of James Corden and the Late Late Show's Primetime Karaoke.

Here's a screengrab of JLo from tonight's show. [More...]

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Monday Open Thread


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Easter Sunday Open Thread

Happy Easter, to everyone celebrating today.

Does anyone have a Surface Book? Is it worth more than $2k? Does the 13.3 inch screen seem bigger because it has such a thin bezel (or for whatever reason) or is it wysiwyg?

There are so few computer stores around here (everything is online other than a small kiosk in two local malls)that you can't even test them out before you buy -- keyboard feel, screen size and weight matter a lot to many besides me, I'd bet.

For those of you online, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread


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Tuesday Open Thread

I'm way behind on news. I only heard about Brussels coming back from the jail. It's a really busy work week.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

I'm still writing motions. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

I've got motions due, so no blogging for a day or so.

Has anyone noticed that Donald Trump's ex-wife Marla Maples will be on DWTS starting next week? She supports Donald. Isn't that just like more free publicity for him? [More...]

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Monday Night Open Thread

Plenty of politics to talk about. Tomorrow John Kasich and Marco Rubio will find out how voters in their home state feel about them -- going home might not be so sweet, especially for Rubio. I think Kasich will take Ohio, he's got a slight edge over Trump in the latest polls.

In other news: A Palestinian-American fighting for ISIS surrendered to the Kurds/Iraqis today. Russia announced it was pulling most of its military forces from Syria.[More...]

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Saturday Open Thread: Non-Politics

If you'd rather watch happy stuff than the politics race, check out James Corden (host of the Late Late Show) and One Direction doing carpool karaoke. I've watched it six or seven times and still laugh. Also fun to watch: James and One Direction playing a game of Tattoo Roulette and Corden's "Take a Break" segments where he fills in for others at work. Two really funny ones are where he tries to be a real estate agent and sell a house to rapper Tyga and get the listing for a house owned by LA Clippers player J.J. Reddick. In the second one, I think the funniest part is when he takes a shower. [More...]

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Friday Open Thread: Cuba and Sweethearts

Marco Rubio bashed Cuba hard during last night's Republican debate. I don't know that anyone outside of Miami's conservative Cuban-American community agree with him. He also threatened that Guantanamo will be kept open and lots of people will be tried there.

Marco Rubio is not "America's Sweetheart." Neither is Ted Cruz, who always seem to wear too much eye makeup during debates. He reminds me a bit of Pee Wee Herman.

Much more fun to watch than Republicans, is Elle King. The video above of "America's Sweetheart" is from her appearance a few days ago on the Late Late Show with James Corden. "Kick out the jams, kick up the soul, Pour another glass of that rock and roll." [More....]

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Monday Open Thread


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