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Sully, Wanker

Great choice by Atrios. The recounting of all of Sully's wanking is virtually impossible, but I do think Atrios should have mentioned Sully's championing of the Stupidest Man Alive, Donald Luskin over Paul Krugman as well as running his own entry for Stupidest Man Alive.

But these a re quibbles. All efforts to remind folks who and what Andrew Sullivan is and was are welcome. Yea Atrios!

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Wankers - Joe Klein's Day

Atrios makes the much expected choice of Joe Klein as one of the Wankers of The Decade. He recounts many, but not nearly all of Klein's wankerific moments. I wrote a lot about him back in the day, when he seemed more important. Here's one example, a post I wrote in 2005, Diagnosing Joe Klein, when Klein sided with Republicans on the Terri Schiavo issue:

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Tuesday Open Thread

Rick Santorum drops out.

Another busy day. Here's an open thread till we get back.

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NBC's Bad Edit Pre-dated Today Show And Still Appears on NBC News Sites

Update 10:00 pm: NBC 6 Miami corrected all three online articles discussed below around 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET. Since they don't note the corrections, I have added in screengrabs I took last night as verification. On all versions of the articles, scroll to the bottom to see the original date and time of publication.

Also, I don't know if NBC or NBC 6 Miami has seen this post, but if they have, it's probably because it was linked to by law professors Ann Althouse and Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, who get far more traffic.


Original Post

Saturday and Sunday, Reuters reported it had interviewed MSNBC News President Steve Capus and others at NBC and got "the fullest explanation yet" of the network's racially-charged, misleading edit of George Zimmerman's 911 call that appeared on the Today Show on March 27. It was just a matter of time pressures inherent in morning news production, that was simply missed by the network's editorial controls, which include senior broadcast producer oversight, script editors, and sometimes legal standards review.


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Atrios celebrates 10 years of blogging with a declaration of Wankers of the Decade. Up first, Jane Galt:

[T]his particular award is really going back to the beginning, when the libertarian case for war in Iraq was strong, and the metaphysics of "pre-emptive war" was debated alongside the metaphysics of "firm, pre-emptive" use of 2x4s against protesters. Throw in a bit of confusion about just what a 2x4 is, the fact that people on the internet are mean, and pleas for civilitude from those of us not wanting to blow up a bunch of people over there just because, and you have the perfect McArdle mix.

Read the whole thing. Including the links. Very funny and spot on. The countdown for Wanker of the Decade will be fun. I'm thinking Tom Friedman can't lose, but maybe a surprise will be sprung.

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Voice Biometrics Conference Convenes in NY

How topical. The annual Voice Biometrics Conference begins today in New York. This year's theme: Benchmarks, Use Cases and Real World Experience.

Registration is $699., but maybe they have media passes available. One interesting talk may be that of Alexey Khitrov, of the Speech Technology Center which is a "gold" sponsor of the conference. (Its program is SpeechPro):

Reality Check #1: Lessons Learned from Forensics and Law Enforcement

What other programs do law enforcement use for speaker recognition? [More...]

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MegaMillions Open Thread

The numbers are 2, 4, 23, 38, 46 and Mega Ball 23. Did you win?

If you didn't win, don't feel bad. The odds:

If you buy 50 tickets a week, you will win the jackpot every 68,000 years.

Update: Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner: A winning ticket was purchased in Baltimore, MD.

This is an open thread, not just limited to MegaMillions.

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Current TV Fires Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann has been fired by Current TV. Keith promises a lawsuit. Eliot Spitzer will replace Keith. Apparently, they were negotiating until yesterday:

The two sides tried to hammer out a setlement Thursday and into Friday, but with Olbermann insisting on tens of millions of dollars to pay out his contract, they remained far apart, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.

Here's Keith's full statement. Current TV's full statement is here. [More...]

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Whitney Houston and Atherosclerosis

The LA Coroner's office released a summary of Whitney Houston's autopsy report yesterday. You can read it here.

She did not die from a lethal combination of cocaine and xanax as many people assumed at the time. While there were traces of Xanax, Flexeril (a muscle relaxer) and Benadryl (an antihistamine) and marijuana in her system, they did not contribute to her death. Alcohol was not a factor.

She drowned following a cardiac event in the bathtub. The official cause of death was:

1. Drowning
2. Effects of Atheroschlerotic Heart Disease and Cocaine Use

Translation: Her chronic use of cocaine over the years exacerbated the hardening of her arteries and heart disease. The hardening of the arteries caused her to have a cardiac event in the tub and she slipped underwater and drowned. [More...]

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Radical Cleric Pat Robertson Wishes Injury On Peyton Manning

With "supporters" like Pat Robertson, Tim Tebow does not need detractors. Robertson said:

And you just ask yourself, okay, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he’s been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right.”

Calls himself a Christian. What a despicable man. Tebow needs to learn to get away from these people.

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Old Man Yells At Hoodies

I thought I was out of touch. Jeralyn friend Geraldo makes me look like I'm on top of all new trends:

GERALDO RIVERA: Well, I have a different take, Brian, on that. I believe that George Zimmerman, the overzealous neighborhood watch captain should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law and if he is criminally liable, he should be prosecuted. But I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies. I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin's death as George Zimmerman was.

Hoodies? Really? Maybe 10 years ago this kind of mindless rant would have been timely. But railing against hoodies is as timely as railing against tatoos. Hell, I have hoodies. (Which makes hoodies pretty uncool if you ask me.) Geraldo needs to get out more.

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Tragic Irony

Pamela Geller invokes the the film The Oxbow Incident in DEFENSE of George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin:

George Zimmerman is innocent until proven guilty just like every other American citizen. That Dr. Drew and his cohorts would be finding him guilty on camera is patently irresponsible. What's next? A mob lynching? Remember the Ox-Bow Incident.

Trayvon Martin is dead at the hand of Zimmerman. Yes, a rope was not involved. But Zimmerman (and Geller) appear to be the ones unfamiliar with the lessons of The Oxbow Incident. Was Martin innocent until proven guilty? Last I looked, Zimmerman remains a free man. It's not news, but Geller surely is clueless.

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