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Crocodile Tears For Bill Maher

So David Axelrod won't appear on Bill Maher's show. Ann Althouse chortles:

Rush Limbaugh is a media genius, but I don't think he's enough of a genius to have laid this trap. It has worked as a trap. By going too far, on one well-chosen occasion — picking on a young woman about sex — he got an immense reaction from Rush haters, who smelled blood and imagined that they could use this incident to drive Rush off the air. In making their strong argument, Rush's opponents articulated a rule demonizing those who use offensive language to describe a woman. [...] In this Fluke incident, many left-liberals have committed to a rule that can now be used to take out some of their most valuable speakers and media outlets.

(Emphasis supplied.) Weird. I thought she was talking about Bill Maher. Oh noooo! Bill Maher!! Is Althouse serious? Who cares about Bill Maher?

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Rush Limbaugh Ad Withdrawal Spreads to Other Shows

Via Think Progress, 98 Rush Limbaugh sponsors have now instructed Premiere Radio Networks not to put their ads on Rush's show. But now it's not just Rush. Their memo to to "Traffic Managers" said:

To all Traffic Managers: The information below applies to your Premiere Radio Networks commercial inventory...They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity).’


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Tonight . . . On The Breitbart Follies

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Other Than That, How Did You Like The Play?

Protecting a "legacy", the Breitbart adherents report:

In 1998, a small Chicago theater company staged a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky [. . . President] Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.

In the words of Colonel Jessup, "Please tell me you have something more[.] Please tell me that [the keepers of the Breitbart flame] ha[ve]n't pinned their hopes to a [play]bill."

Speaking for me only

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The Daily Rush: Radio Station Drops Rush

Update: KPUA radio station in Hawaii has dropped Rush Limbaugh's radio show. One down, 599 to go.

We are strong believers in the first amendment and have recognized Mr. Limbaugh's right to express opinions that often times differ from our own, but it has never been our goal to allow our station to be used for personal attacks and intolerance. The most recent incident has crossed a line of decency and a standard that we expect of programming on KPUA whether it is locally produced or a syndicated program like the Rush Limbaugh show.
Make that 598, WBEC in Pittsfield, MA has dropped him. On the advertiser side, add Allstate and Sensa Weight Loss Systems and Tax Resolutions Systems. [More...]

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Limbaugh Advertisers Suspend Ads Despite Apology

ProFlowers today suspended advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show, notwithstanding his apology yesterday:

At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.

The apology was also insufficient for Carbonite: which issued this statement: [More...]

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Fox News Gets John Edwards Filing Wrong

Update 8:00 pm: Good for Mediaite -- It has updated with WRAL's correction. I've removed them from the headline of my post. Fox has yet to correct its headline. And now the Washington Post runs with the inaccurate story and speculates there must be something on the tape that helps his defense. How about reading the pleadings that set out his defense instead of writing things like "His defense strategy seems to be... " This is journalism?

Original Post: Fox News has an article today with the headline"John Edwards asks judge not to destroy sex tape." The article begins with:

John Edwards has asked a judge not to destroy a sex tape he made with his former mistress Rielle Hunter that was slated for destruction under a settlement reached last week, WRAL-TV reported.

Fox did no checking.[More...]

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Rush: Sorry If Anyone Offended By My 'Blowing Off Some Steam'

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Stupidity In The Beltway: A Shrug Is Not Dismay

Displaying the usual lack of acumen, the Beltway mistakes activist shrugs regarding Bob Kerrey's announced run for Senator from Nebraska for dismay. Starting with a silly Politico article and ending where stupidity generally goes to live, Joe Klein, the Beltway mistakes progressive disinterest in Kerrey's candidacy with disappointment.

Here's the point - Bob Kerrey, by his own admission, is no progressive. He is the candidate of the Third Way. Mind you, Kerrey will no doubt be better than the Republican, as was Ben Nelson before him. I hope he wins. But on the list of campaigns that progressives need to prioritize, Kerrey is pretty far down the list. Unlike Beltway idiots like Joe Klein, progressive activists are focused on races with candidates who actually agree with their views. Klein wrote:

I like him a lot, especially when we disagree.

I like my politicians when they agree with me and that's when I am moved to support them. Enthusiastic Kerrey supporter Dean Esmay is enthusiastic about Kerrey for a good reason, Kerrey agrees with him on most of the big issues. No doubt the Third Way is enthusiastic about him for the same reason. Joe Klein is enthusiastic about Kerrey because he likes to support pols who disagree with him. And he calls us stupid. What an idiot.

Speaking for me only

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Rush Limbaugh Advertisers Start Jumping Ship

Sleep Train Mattress Makers has pulled its ads from Rush Limbaugh's show:

We don't condone negative comments directed toward any group. In response, we are currently pulling our ads from Rush with Rush Limbaugh.

Sleep Number Sara has done the same:

Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program.

So has Quicken Loans:

Due to continued inflammatory comments– along w/valuable feedback from clients & team members– QL has suspended ads on Rush Limbaugh program.

Rush thinks the outcry over his Sandra Fluke remarks are hilarious. He is also unlikely to care if his advertisers jump ship. [More...]

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Friday Morning Open Thread

Jon BonJovi, the best face in rock and roll, turns 50. Since I'm sure I'm his biggest fan west of the Mississippi, I just have to play one of my favorite songs, "We Weren't Born to Follow." Hit the full screen button and watch the great collage of images. (I know them all by heart.)

"Walking beside the guilty and the innocent
How will you raise your hand when they call your name?"

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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RSA Conference Report: Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack

At the RSA Conference this week in San Francisco, Imperva released a report called Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack. It says Anonymous left clues during an attack on the Vatican and the report details how attacks are planned and carried out.

[It] offers a rare glimpse into the specific strategies, tools, and tactics used by Anonymous in its attempts to infiltrate or take down websites.

The New York Times has more on this.

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